Welcome to the North Devon Green Party
Our local party covers the North Devon District Council administrative area which includes Barnstaple, Ilfracombe, South Molton and many other villages in one of the most beautiful parts of England.
Within our area is the The North Devon UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Biosphere reserves are areas comprising terrestrial, marine, and coastal ecosystems and are designated “learning places” for testing different sustainable approaches but, unfortunately, this doesn’t mean our environment is safe. Over-development, pollution and climate change induced coastal erosion are constant threats.
Our area also suffers from high levels of poverty and social exclusion with access to decent and affordable housing, poor transport links, underfunded services and limited opportunities for young people representing serious challenges.
The Green Party is committed to tackling all of these and more which is why we ask for your support. With more elected representatives, we can do more for our communities and our environment so that North Devon prospers now and into the future.

We are the only party dedicated to fighting for our environment and ensuring we live in a fair and just society
Latest from North Devon Green Party
- Gaza genocide – White Cross Wind Farm – Local Government Reorganisation – The Men’s Shed – The Palestine Solidarity Campaign North Devon
- Green Party campaigning – retirement just a phase – bird ID and an otter on the Taw
- Spring moth, Local Government Reorganisation, BBC Moral Panic, Suffolk, Trump and Kompromat, Lambing time.
- Wild Pages, Waste & Recycling, Local Government reorganisation, Spring, Writing Workshop, Medieval Concert
- Sara Wilson for Ilfracombe 2025