Voting in the 2025 County Elections

To take part in the County elections to be held on 1st May 2025, you will need to be registered to vote.
To register, you will need to be:

  • 18 or older on the day of the election
  • Registered at an address in Devon
  • A British, Irish, or qualifying Commonwealth citizen living in the UK
  • Not legally excluded from voting

To register, follow this LINK. It should only take you a few minutes.

How to vote?

There are a number of ways to vote:

You can vote by post. To apply for a Postal Vote, follow this LINK. Please note that the deadline for applying for a postal vote is 5pm on Monday 14 April.

You can apply for a Proxy Vote. Follow this LINK to apply. The deadline for applications is 5pm on Wednesday 23 April

You can vote in person on polling day, 1st May. To vote in person, you will need to have some ID. To find out what you will need to take with you, follow this LINK.

Where should I vote? To find your nearest polling station follow this LINK.

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