Green Party Councillors Sara Wilson and Ricky Knight join the Stand up to Racism march in Barnstaple square. Image: North Devon Green Party
North Devon Greens supporting the Stand Up To Racism demonstration in Barnstaple on 2 September 2023.
The Green Party is solidly opposed to all forms of discrimination and is happy to work with others to combat the worrying rise in far right activity we have experienced recently.
Sadly, the actions of this Conservative government and their demonisation of asylum seekers, people fleeing terrible conflicts that most of us can’t begin to imagine, only fuels and legitimises racist organisations such as Britain First.
We won’t sit back and let the racists and haters organise here in North Devon and we stand in solidarity with all our anti-racist colleagues and others who are standing up to racism and fascism.
Green Party Councillor Mark Haworth-Booth gives a speech in Barnstaple Square to the Stand up to Racism March. Image: North Devon Green Party Councillor Ricky Knight gives a speech to the Stand up to Racism march in Barnstaple square on Saturday 2nd Sept. Image: North Devon Green Party