North Devon Green Party Policy

  • A green economy that works for all
  • Protecting our environment
  • Protecting public services
  • Educational achievement for all
  • A positive future for young people
  • Decent homes
  • Cost-efficient civic management
  • A people’s democracy
  • Effective transport systems

Climate emergency and environment

Our local authority recognises there is a Climate Emergency and is committed to become carbon neutral by 2030. But we need to ensure that the council keeps a high level of ambition to embrace a new green industrial revolution that will benefit us all. 

We want to see more renewable energy, action to increase the resilience of North Devon in the face of rising sea levels, real investment to clean our rivers and seas: affordable homes for local people, sustainable tourism that respects our unique North Devon ecosystems, action to prevent further loss of biodiversity, sustainable farming and food production, opportunities for young people, decent, well paid jobs in new green industries and more support for people through the cost of living crisis.  

Therefore, we will:

  • Promote low impact, carbon neutral, affordable housing.
  • Promote community energy and energy efficiency schemes and install solar panels on all suitable council-owned buildings or green roofs if solar panels are not viable.
  • Promote the use rainwater harvesting and grey-water systems to reduce water use and protect residents when water consumption reduces during drought periods.
  • Promote good public transport, provide better facilities for cycling and encourage electric vehicle use including buses and taxis, to reduce atmospheric carbon and air pollution.
  • Ensure that the council procure its electricity from renewable sources.
  • Protect green spaces, our unique countryside, wildlife habitats by supporting projects throughout the district to enhance biodiversity.
  • Promote a massive reduction in the use of plastics and work with shops and businesses to encourage alternatives to plastic packaging.
  • Reduce waste and work towards a circular economy with products designed to be reused, repaired and recycled by design.

Housing and planning

The provision of good quality and affordable housing is a problem in North Devon which requires urgent attention. We have too many second homes and our communities suffer as a result. 

Therefore, we will:

  • Promote carbon neutral, affordable housing.
  • Improve home insulation throughout North Devon to reduce energy consumption and energy bills.
  • Provide more affordable, well-insulated social housing to reduce waiting lists.
  • Push for more secure tenancies for renters and smart controls to stabilise rents.
  • Ensure that residents have the final say over regeneration proposals.
  • Protect greenfield sites around North Devon from over-development.
  • Hold local housing providers to account to ensure good environmental standards are maintained
  • Insist that future housing developments has appropriate infrastructure, such as schools, surgeries, dentists and transport prior to habitation.
  • Protect agricultural land from development and work with farmers to employ the most environmentally sustainable methods possible and increase biodiversity while maintaining cost effective food production.
  • Reduce the number of second homes and seasonal rentals. Support increased council tax on second homes.
  • Make sure local people have a real say in local planning.


Transport is a key social, economic and environmental issue. We want to ensure that public transport is upgraded, is affordable, safe and reliable. We need to give people real and affordable alternatives to using their cars, ensure safe cycle routes, walkable local communities and an improved rail service.

Therefore we will:

  • Increase low cost bus services including regular evening and weekend services to encourage people to leave their cars at home.
  • Support the introduction of electric buses to reduce air pollution within the town.
  • Encourage regular and low-cost buses from outlying villages into towns to promote the local economy, avoid social isolation among the elderly and freedom of movement for young people.
  • Encourage the timely maintenance of footpaths, street lights, cycle lanes and potholes to ensure safety for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists. Update and implement the North Devon cycling strategy and ensure there is secure cycle parking.
  • Encourage active travel for children and parents to walk or cycle to school. Decreasing traffic congestion during school runs, cleaner air by avoiding engine idling at school gates, thus improving children’s health.
  • Install electric car charge points throughout North Devon, in new build housing car parks and on-street residents’ parking
  • Improve Tarka Line trains services and explore extending the line to include Bideford. 

Community, young people and opportunities

Over the last decade or more, the government’s austerity programme has hollowed out the public sphere, reduced services and undermined community cohesion and wellbeing. Opportunities have been reduced, public sector pay has fallen in real terms and neighbourhood and infrastructure has been neglected. Young people in particular have seen their life chances diminish and opportunities for sport, cultural engagement and career development limited by cuts in education and youth services. In addition, the Covid pandemic has taken its toll on individuals, families and the wide community. We need to make sure we repair the damage and build more resilience against threats in the future. 

Therefore we will:

  • Support initiatives that encourage young people to work on community projects.
  • Promote public health education around balanced diet and promote sport and exercise. We will also work to reduce substance misuse, provide facilities for young people to engage in positive activities and reduce anti-social behaviour.
  • Collaborate with higher education institutions to encourage courses that meet local employment needs e.g. energy efficient home insulation.
  • Collaborate with higher education institutions to encourage youth engagement in the democratic process.
  • Support local services working with victims of domestic abuse.
  • Promote good mental health for young people by encouraging active travel, sports, arts, clubs, access to outdoor spaces, and facilities.
  • Protect local public services that are under threat from central government cuts.
  • Challenge the reduction in central government funding to to our local authorities resulting in cuts to services.
  • Support organisations that work with families living in food and energy poverty.
  • Protect libraries, post offices, bus and other local services from cuts and closures.
  • Fight for social justice, offering support and advice to those who are affected by the cost of living crisis.
  • Continue to fight for equal rights for disadvantaged and minority groups.
  • Encourage grassroots/local democracy by regularly consulting with residents about their views on traffic, waste services, housing or other issues raised by residents.
  • Encourage and support North Devon’s cultural and arts industries and the implementation of the Northern Devon cultural strategy and seek to protect live performance spaces.


Without a healthy economy, society cannot function, livelihoods suffer and opportunities evaporate. An economy that works against the environment will ultimately fail so we need to take steps towards building a sustainable economy that provides well paying and meaningful employment while working with the natural world upon which we call depend.

Therefore, we will: 

  • Support smaller, local businesses and grow our local economy in an environmentally and socially sustainable way.
  • Encourage local employers and council contractors to pay the Living Wage.
  • Support the introduction of a Universal Basic Income.
  • Champion local food production, farmers markets and other retail outlets that connect farm and fork.
  • Promote sustainable tourism.
  • Help to drive investment into the green industries of the future. 

Health and Social Care

Our National Health Service has been undermined by the government for over a decade in is now in serious danger of collapse. We need urgent action to address labour shortages, poor pay and conditions and underinvestment . We clapped for health workers during lockdowns. Now it is time to pay and rebuild a broken system.

Therefore, we will 

  • Support our NHS and oppose any cuts to services at North Devon District Hospital.
  • Ensure there are adequate pharmacy services.
  • Make sure there are more NHS dental services throughout North Devon.
  • Make sure there is adequate mental health support and address the complex needs of rough sleepers. 
  • Increase social care provision and advocate for integrated care services, social prescribing and measures to overcome social isolation.
  • Support GPs to provide better primary care services. 
  • Promote active travel, sport and cultural activities.
  • Improve ambulance response times and reduce waiting lists.

Policing and security

We recognise that North Devon is a low crime area but the reduction in policing levels is unacceptable. We need a multi-agency approach to social deprivation and investment into communities to deflect people away from crime and build social trust and wellbeing.

Therefore, we will:

  • Promote community policing to combat anti-social behaviour.
  • Ensure that agencies work together to reduce crime and increase our sense of security.
  • Support neighbourhood watch and encourage community self-reliance.
  • Enforce speed limits and other traffic calming measures.
  • Support for vulnerable people and action to tackle domestic violence.
  • Tackle fly tipping and other environmental crimes. 
  • Make our streets safe for women and girls. 

Governance and democracy

Greens want to see a society that works for everybody. We should not be afraid to rebuild and reform our democratic institutions, to give people more control over their lives and to empower communities. We think many of our democratic institutions are broken and a no longer fit for the challenges we face.

Therefore, we willL:

  • Campaign for a change in the voting system to introduce Proportional Representation so that all voices are hear and our governing institutions are more representative.
  • Campaign for greater the devolution of powers so that decisions are taken at the most local level possible.
  • Ensure openness and transparency in government at all levels
  • Support new institutions such as Citizen’s Assemblies to extend democratic participation in all areas of society.
  • Defend the right to protest, freedom of expression and an independent and balanced media.
  • Make sure we have an independent judiciary that upholds fair laws without fear or favour.
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